A Principled Component Analysis of Open Source Artificial Intelligence

Presented at State of Open Con, 2024


Back to the Open Source Future

Presented at State of Open Con, 2024


How we treat others is a supply chain issue

Presented at Upstream, 2023

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A Social Model of Open Source: Moving Beyond the License

Presented at Open Source Summit, Community Leadership Conference, 2022

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A social model of open source: all the dynamics that are fit to print

Presented at Upstream, 2022

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Lowering the Cost of Open Source by Increasing Transparency

Presented at Open Source Summit, OSPOCon, 2022

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Remember When We Broke the Internet?

Presented at Strange Loop, Monktoberfest, 2022

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Black Swan Events in Open Source: That time we broke the internet

Presented at RubyConf, 2021

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Preventing Random Acts of Metrics: What We've Learned About the Open Source Ecosystem

Presented at WiDS Puget Sound, 2021

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Preventing Random Acts of Metrics

Presented at FOSS Backstage, 2020

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How to identify your critical OSS dependencies -- and why

Presented at State of the Source, 2020

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Building Compassion

Presented at Monktoberfest, 2019


Writing Accessible Go

Presented at GopherCon, Denver, 2018


Exploring the World Using Cloud Vision & Twilio

Presented at Twilio Signal, London, 2016


Blocks in containers

Presented at OSCON, Austin, 2016


Diving into machine learning through TensorFlow

Presented at OSCON, Austin, 2016


In the Name of Whiskey

Presented at Ruby on Ales, Bend, 2016


cluster management, cognitive shifts, & kubernetes

Presented at seattle.rb, Seattle, 2015


1-up Your DevOps Workflow

Presented at HashiConf, Portland, 2015


When am I ever going to use this? …tales from a career in industry

Presented at Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, 2015


Evolving your hierarchy of developer needs – adapting when things go wrong

Presented at API Strategy Conference, Chicago, 2014


Blurring the PaaS/IaaS Divide

Presented at NYC & Cambridge, 2014

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Containerizing the Cloud

Presented at NYC & Cambridge, 2014

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Hierarchy of Developer Needs

Presented at Glue Conference, Broomfield, 2014

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