The Open Source AI Definition: where's the data?

Two years into the “multi-stakeholder process” to define what constitutes as “open source AI”, we are facing a number of issues that are immense, fraught, and nuanced. Why are data excluded from the proposed definition, why are they important, and why are we even doing this?

Open source and social systems

Shifting the view of open source from the resulting code to the social systems that create the code is critical when driving towards long-term sustainability of technology as a whole.

Bringing together a social model of open source

What can we do with a social model of open source? The opportunities are endless.

Identifying and sharing the status of open source projects

Identifying and sharing the status of open source projects.

Five ways to care for your open source contributors

How to encourage a thriving open source community.

Why your git email address matters

The email that you use with your open source commits isn’t just perfunctory—it can communicate intent and important context

How to empower your open source users and contributors

Breaking down the barriers to open source contribution.

Why open source projects should embrace operational transparency

There’s so much more to open source than what fits into a license.

A vision for a social model of open source

There’s so much more to open source than what fits into a license.

Conference: All Things Open 2018

All Things Open is a conference dedicated to open source tech and practices. Although ostensibly focused on tech in the enterprise, many of the talks applied to non-enterprise audiences as well. It’s a multi-multi-multi-track conference, with 4000+ attendees, held in Raleigh, NC. I hadn’t attended before, and since I live so close now, I decided to go! I’m all for the hallway track, but I was determined to make it to at least some sessions each day....