So you're working from home: a primer, part 2

Hopefully you’ve identified rituals for your “commute” and have set up your space in a way that’s conducive to work. But how do you go from turning around and asking your colleague a question to communicating and collaborating in a much more…intentional way? The virtual “turn around” (🎶bright eyes🎶) If you work on a team that’s used to being largely in person together (or in clusters), working from home is going to hit you pretty hard....

2020-03-11 · 4 min · julia ferraioli · Productivity

So you're working from home: a primer, part 1

With so many people suddenly working remotely, I thought I’d share some tips that I’ve learned over the years as I’ve worked from home. As many are discovering, it’s not just a matter of opening up your laptop on your couch and getting to work. There are lots of distractions and differences – some subtle, some not – when working from home. Getting ready and winding down If you’ve been working from an office primarily, you probably have a commute....

2020-03-09 · 3 min · julia ferraioli · Productivity